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Tangentially Speaking

504 – Dallas Hartwig (Author and Physical Therapist/Nutritionist)

By November 22, 2021June 22nd, 2022One Comment

Dallas is a functional medicine practitioner, Certified Sports Nutritionist, and licensed physical therapist who specializes in treating lifestyle-related hormonal, digestive, and metabolic health issues. In 2009, he co-created the original Whole30 program. In 2012, he co-authored the New York Times bestselling book It Starts With Food, and founded his functional medicine practice, mentoring under Dr. Daniel Kalish and enrolling in the Institute for Functional Medicine’s certification program. Dallas has presented more than 200 health and nutrition seminars worldwide, is a member of the Paleo f(x) and Fitwall advisory boards, and provides support and lifestyle recommendations to more than 1.5 million people a month through the Whole30 and Whole9 websites. He lives in Salt Lake City, UT.

Dallas on Instagram and Twitter.

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Intro music: “Brightside of the Sun,” by Basin and Range; “Breakdown,” by Tom Petty; “The Seed 2.0” by The Roots.

One Comment

  • This conversation reminded me of a scene in Clint Eastwood’s movie The Mule, in which Earl (Eastwood) stops over the side of the road to help out a young black couple with a flat tire. The woman is very grateful and apologetic that her partner doesn’t even know how to change the tire, and the guy is shown even more emasculated in this scene, with his hand on his cell phone trying to get a signal so he can Google “how to change tire.”

    So the scene might be perceived as just a fun jab at younger generations of men who don’t know how to do the basic ‘manly’ things their parents and grandparents took for granted (how to change a tire, how to change an electric fuse, etc) but then Earl makes a social SNAFU by calling the young black couple “negroes” and to me the shocked expression in their faces (“is this old man from the 60’s??”) puts the scene back into perspective of a bigger context: Yes men back in the “old days” were supposed to be more self-reliable and accustomed to physical chores, but the downside is that not only was systemic racism and misogyny tolerated in those days, but also that to many of the men from those generations being a ‘parent’ was reduced to just being a good economic provider, and that was it.

    So, as Dallas put it at one time in the conversation, it feels as if a lot of young men feel overwhelmed by the rapidly changing social/economic demands of the modern world, while also interacting with women who are equally frustrated by how many of the ‘male traits’ are being forgotten –like knowing how to change a tire.

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