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Tangentially Speaking

517 – ROMA 54 (What Would a World without Sexual Shame Be Like?)

By February 28, 2022June 22nd, 20222 Comments

Try to imagine a culture in which children aren’t taught that their bodies and desires are dangerous, shameful, and disgusting. What would that be like? Also, I discuss what I got wrong (and right) about the current invasion of Ukraine, and the dangerous phrase, “freak of nature.” Lastly, I talk about how life presents a series of “should I stay or should I go?” choices that are kind of like rowing away from the island you’re on, not knowing when/if you’ll find another. Turns out, there may be almost magical indications that can lead us to safety.

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The situation with the Queen of Dark.

The article about “Te lapa,” or “the flashing.”

Intro music: “Brightside of the Sun,” by Basin and Range;

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  • Brendan Tatalias says:

    I feel like your island metaphor is just new rendition of the Exodus story in the bible.

  • My suspicion is that if sexual shame was completely eradicated, it would be replaced with other type of social stigmas. Back in college I read a pretty funny satirical short story, in which human astronauts travel to a planet in which the inhabitants enjoyed total sexual freedom. The human explorers have a really good time for a while (wink wink!) as their voluptuous alien hosts do their bests to keep them entertained; but after a while they notice that the foods and drinks of this planet are very bland and limited to mostly colorless broths and clear water. That’s because in this planet the social shame had been shifted to the physical act of eating. In the end the humans kicked out after the scandal of finding them eating a sausage.

    So I’m not sure if shame is something we can completely get rid of, and part of me wonders if we SHOULD get rid of it entirely, seeing how they are quite appropriate times people ought to be ashamed of their conduct –like when they are illegally invading another country and endangering the lives of innocent civilians, for example.

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